Vivaearth – The Green Philosophy with a Bubbly Character

VivaEarth has a strong emphasis on sustainability. They select only sustainably certified DOCG and DOC grapes offering a range of organic and sustainable Prosecco from the heart of Valdobbiadene and Conegliano.

In this exclusive feature we speak with Pamela Guizzo, the incredible owner of VivaEarth, let’s find out a little about her life in the wine industry.

It’s Lovely To Speak With You Pamela, Before We Start Exploring Your Incredible Range Of Award Winning Prosecco, Can You Share With Us A Little About Yourself And VivaEarth?

“I grew up in Colnbrook Berkshire and when I moved to Italy I started working as a business language trainer in multinational companies. My parents’ house stands among the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco hills surrounded by Glera vineyards. As amazing as it may sound it is not at all easy to work these lands. All the work is entirely carried out by hand. I can assure you that every year I help out during harvest time. In the last seven years, I focused on providing consulting services to wineries to educate foreign guests as well as translating websites and attending wine fairs. I arranged experiential courses in English with the aim of promoting the Conegliano and Valdobbiadene territory and the top of the range Prosecco i.e. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG. I know that it’s a mouthful to say, although it is easier to drink than to say it! So whilst teaching I was learning too as some of the participants were actually sommelier teachers themselves. I think the success of my courses was thanks to the passion and energy I put into them or so I have been told.

I had all the ingredients to start my own wine business although I had no clue about logistics and international regulations. That’s when Mirko, the co-founder of VivaEarth stepped in. With his knowledge and 25 years of experience in the supply chain as well as a vine grower himself, he was the missing piece to the puzzle. When we met he was looking to start his own wine business as well. We both agreed that we wanted to tell a different story and not just sell wine. That’s why we only select high quality sparkling wines from wineries that are committed to the safeguarding of the environment. I wish to highlight that our wines have sustainable quality, organic or vegan certifications. There is a growing number of people who become vegan for health reasons. VivaEarth is also part of a vegan community as we firmly believe that sustainability and veganism are not a passing trend, unfortunately, climate change is real.

This doesn’t mean we have to do without the simple pleasures of life.

VivaEarth means ‘Long live our Mother Earth! ‘ When you think of sparkling wine you usually think of celebrations and happy times and that’s just great but we want to give a message at the same time.

Mother Earth belongs to each one of us, from every corner of the world so it is down to us to protect the environment. A green philosophy is not just environmental as it can also mean being connected to the present moment. That’s why we at VivaEarth say “Let’s enjoy the present while preserving the future”. Everyone needs to find their own well-being, whether through meditation or Earthing which besides being beneficial for your health is a way to connect with the energy of the Earth.

We have chosen to take the green path and we trust more people will follow.”

For Anyone Trying VivaEarth For The First Time, What Label Would You Suggest They Try First?

“That really depends on one’s taste but when I do a wine tasting session I start with Vivaearth’s Valdobbiadene Brut which has the lowest residual sugar and is the driest version we have. The term Extra dry can be misleading since it is actually sweeter than Brut.”

When It Comes To Pairing Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“You can enjoy a different type of Prosecco throughout the whole meal starting from the aperitif. Our semi-sparkling simply natural can be an alternative Prosecco. It’s a naturally cloudy wine which is characteristic as the second fermentation takes place in the bottle, it has notes of bread crust that match well with bruschettas. It has no sugar residual too. Our Prosecco DOC pairs well with fish based dishes therefore also international cuisine such as sushi or as it is vegan certified, it matches well with a rich veggie cous cous salad.”

For Anyone Getting Married This Year, Looking For A Perfect Glass Of Bubbly, Which One Of Your Labels Would You Put Forward For That Very Special Moment?

“All eyes are on the bride that day as she is the one who will be stealing the show so it’s got to be our vegan certified Prosecco DOC Rosé for that special day. It is pink and feminine loved by women. But I assure you the groom and all the guests will appreciate it too.”

You’re Stuck On A Desert Island, And Fortunately, Three Bottles Of VivaEarth Wash Up On Shore, Perfectly Chilled, Which Three Labels Would You Want Them To Be?

“My straight answer would be all of them but if I have to stick to three one would definitely be a Valdobbiadene Extra Dry which would go well with all the nuts and berries I will be searching for to survive.

Another label would be VivaEarth’s Prosecco DOC as it’s vegan I will perhaps turn to a strict veggie diet and meditate. Here I would be totally free to practice earthing on the sand. Last but not at all least, our Gold Cuvee which I find is a pleasant sparkling wine. It is slightly different because it is a blend of various grape varieties but I can see myself sipping it around a lit fire on the beach.”

Where’s The Most Memorable Place You’ve Enjoyed A Glass of Bubbly?

“I would say that it was that time I went hiking in the mountains with my girlfriends.

We had just reached our destination on the Dolomites after a long vigorous walk and the sun was about to set. We opened a bottle of bubbly and drank from paper cups breathing in the fresh air and admiring the magnificent view in silence. We literally felt ‘on top of the world’ Indeed, the place is important but what makes it truly memorable is who you share that special moment with.”

Thank you Pamela, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Pamela Guizzo. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.